Pharmacy Benefit Site
Register for Online Access

Patient Registration

Create an Account

If you already use Edgepark to get your supplies with your pharmacy benefit, you can create an account by filling out the fields on this page. Visit Edgepark.com to learn more about the difference between using pharmacy vs medical benefits for your health care supplies.

Note: Your email address will be set as your user id when logging in. The password cannot be the same or contain your user id.

Password Requirements:
- At least 8 characters
- At least one uppercase letter
- At least one lowercase letter
- At least one number
- At least one special character (#,$,%,etc.)
All fields marked with a red asterisk are required. (Note: - Registration may take several seconds. Once you click the Register button please wait until the system responds.)

Enter a first name.
Enter a last name.
Format: yyyy-mm-dd
Enter a valid email address.
Enter your password.
Re-enter the password to confirm.